- Provides Easy to Find Country Specific Information -
- Provides Easy to Find Country Specific Information -
Pro Pharma Communications International proudly announces the launch of GaBI Online’s Country Focus section on the Generics and Biosimilars Initiative (GaBI) Online platform (www.gabionline.net).
GaBI Online’s Country Focus section makes local information available internationally, and offers healthcare professionals easy to find country specific information, with a clear insight over the local generics and biosimilars market. GaBI Online’s Country Focus section enhances data transparency and cross-border understanding.
This Country Focus section provides visitors with an overview of the status of generic and biosimilar medicines development and use on a country level, in a structured format. It contains the following editorial sections: Overview, Licensing Guidelines and Regulations, Market Analysis, Policies and Legislation, and Others - covering issues like recommendations and official documentation. This allows readers to view, compare and analyse the development and market situation of different countries.
Launching today Belgium, The Netherlands and UK, GaBI Online’s Country Focus section plans to feature the following countries in the coming months: Austria, Germany, Italy, Japan and Spain.
Regular updates on new developments of different countries will also be featured in the Country Focus section. Visit www.gabionline.net/Country-Focus to benefit from this new editorial feature, as well as the other scientific content available from GaBI Online.
GaBI Online is a one-stop portal containing news, a repository of worldwide guidelines and an archive of related scientific information. It seeks to provide readers with the latest updates on developments in generic and biosimilar medicines, and to serve as a communication vehicle to reach key members of the healthcare world.
Generics and Biosimilars Initiative (GaBI) was founded in 2008 by Professors Huub Schellekens and Arnold Vulto from The Netherlands, together with Lasia Tang from Belgium; with the support of Pro Pharma Communications International who launched the first platform—GaBI Online—in September 2009 under the GaBI umbrella.
The mission of GaBI is to foster the worldwide efficient use of high quality and safe medicines at an affordable price, thus advancing and supporting the idea of accessible, affordable and sustainable health care. GaBI aims to raise the scientific status of generic and biosimilar medicines, and to provide comprehensive high quality, scientifically sound, reliable, well-documented and up-to-date information about generic and biosimilar medicines both in print and electronically in an open access format.
Pro Pharma Communications International (PPCI) has been involved in building communication platform in pharmacy-related scientific journals and websites since 2002.
The mission of PPCI is to provide healthcare specialists, practitioners and physicians with up-to-date and practical information relevant to their field of activity and offers a platform for exchange of knowledge and experience.
PPCI shares the vision of GaBI―building trust in cost-effective treatments―by showing that they are as safe and effective as, or even better than, their reference products, and promotes affordable and safe treatments for the well-being of patients.
Lasia Tang, Publisher/Co-founder, GaBI
Tel. +32 474 989 572
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