US uptake of biosimilars is now beginning to rival that of Europe. This was a take home message from the June 2022 Alliance for Safe Biologic Medicines (ASBM) webinar on the successful uptake of biosimilars in Europe and the US [1].
The webinar, held in collaboration with the Generics and Biosimilars Initiative (GaBI), consisted of expert speaker presentations followed by a Q&A. The panel was made up of an academic clinician with specialty in gastroenterology, a pharmacist, a patient advocate, and a market access expert (see below for details on the presentations given).
Overall, the webinar highlighted the challenges and uptake policies of biosimilars in Europe and compared to the status of market access of and successful uptake measures implemented for biosimilars in the US. Although the US adopted biosimilars at a later date, their uptake is starting to rival that of Europe. Surveys were presented that described the physicians’ trust in prescribing and switching of biosimilars.
Discussions also emphasized uptake issues in regions such as Canada and Australia, where forced-switching policies have been introduced. The webinar also enabled evaluation of the role of healthcare providers (physicians, pharmacists) and health policymakers in biosimilars use was evaluated and the educational requirements, to enhance knowledge on biosimilars use across the world, were identified.
The presentations given are available online [2] and were:
- Keynote Impact of biosimilars in the US healthcare system and the path forward: Honourable Eric David Hargan, JD, former United States Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS)
- European prescribers trust in prescribing and switching biosimilars: Mr Michael S Reilly, Esq, Executive Director of ASBM
- US physicians’ perspective in biologicals/biosimilars prescribing and substitution: Dr Ralph D McKibbin, past President of the Pennsylvania Society of Gastroenterology and the Society of Gastroenterology and Digestive Disease
- Sustainable biosimilars market in Europe – policy considerations: Professor Philip J Schneider, Professor at Ohio State University College of Pharmacy
- Measures leading to successful uptake and the current state of market access of biosimilars in the US: Mr Chad Pettit, Executive Director of Marketing, Biosimilars Business Unit at Amgen
- Patients’ perspective on biosimilars use – Europe and the US: Mr Andrew Spiegel, Esq, Executive Director of the Global Colon Cancer Association
A summary of panel discussions and Q&A are detailed in the report. The webinar provided the opportunity to gain insight on key elements contributing to the wide uptake of biosimilars in Europe and the US. The challenges and uptake policies of biosimilars in Europe were outlined, and the status of market access of and successful uptake measures implemented for biosimilars in the US was explored.
A group of researchers in Europe and the US reviewed the challenges to increased biosimilar use in the US and the successful strategies employed to increase biosimilar uptake in the US [3]. In France, there are specific incentives for hospital prescribers, prescribers of community-based practitioners and pharmacists to promote the use of biosimilars [4].
Experiences and challenges faced by European healthcare providers offered a valuable platform for US colleagues to advance the uptake of biosimilars, and the webinar provided the opportunity to gain insight on key elements contributing to the wide uptake of biosimilars in Europe and the US, and to evaluate the role of healthcare providers (physicians, pharmacists) and health policymakers in biosimilars use [1, 2].
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LATIN AMERICAN FORUM The new section of the ‘Latin American Forum’ on GaBI has been launched. The objective of this new section is to provide you with all the latest news and updates on developments of generic and biosimilar medicines in Latin America in Spanish. View the latest headline article: La adopción exitosa de biosimilares en Europa y EE. UU. Browse the news in the Latin American Forum! Register to receive the GaBI Latin American Forum newsletter. Inform colleagues and friends of this new initiative.
FORO LATINOAMERICANO Se ha lanzado la nueva sección del ‘Foro Latinoamericano’ sobre GaBI. El objetivo de esta nueva sección es brindarle las últimas noticias y actualizaciones sobre desarrollos de medicamentos genéricos y biosimilares en América Latina en español. Ver el último artículo de cabecera: La adopción exitosa de biosimilares en Europa y EE. UU. !Explore las noticias en el Foro Latinoamericano! Regístrese para recibir el boletín informativo GaBI Foro Latinoamericano. Informe a colegas y amigos sobre esta nueva iniciativa.
1. Reilly MS, Schneider PJ. Key factors for successful uptake of biosimilars: Europe and the US. Generics and Biosimilars Initiative Journal (GaBI Journal). 2022;11(3):112-24. doi: 10.5639/gabij.2022.1103.018
2. Key factors for successful uptake of biosimilars: Europe and the US [webinar]. Alliance For Safe Biologic Medicines (ASBM) and Generics and Biosimilars Initiative (GaBI). 29 June 2022. Available from:
3. GaBI Online - Generics and Biosimilars Initiative. The US needs to learn from Europe to increasing access to biosimilars[]. Mol, Belgium: Pro Pharma Communications International; [cited 2023 Mar 9]. Available from:
4. GaBI Online - Generics and Biosimilars Initiative. Incentives promoting use of biosimilar medicines in France []. Mol, Belgium: Pro Pharma Communications International; [cited 2023 Mar 9]. Available from:
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