
FDA calls for comment on generics user fees guidelines

Home/Guidelines | Posted 20/02/2015

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced in a Federal register publication of 6 February 2015 the reopening of the docket to solicit public comment on certain topics related to implementation of the Generic Drug User Fee Amendments of 2012 (GDUFA) and the GDUFA Commitment Letter that accompanies the legislation.

FDA calls for comment on biosimilars interchangeability

Home/Guidelines | Posted 06/02/2015

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) wants drugmakers to comment on the information requirements for biosimilars interchangeability.

FDA releases 53 new and revised bioequivalence guidelines for generics

Home/Guidelines | Posted 30/01/2015

On 12 December 2014, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released 31 new draft guidance documents and 22 revisions to guidance documents on bioequivalence requirements for the development of generics containing 42 different active ingredients.

Australia reviewing plans for naming biosimilars

Home/Guidelines | Posted 23/01/2015

Australia’s drug regulatory agency, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), has changed its plans for naming biosimilars, ‘following recent international developments in the area of biosimilar naming’.

EMA issues revised guideline on non-clinical and clinical issues for biosimilars

Home/Guidelines | Posted 16/01/2015

On 18 December 2014, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) published the new version of its guideline addressing the non-clinical and clinical issues related to similar biological products (biosimilars) containing biotechnology-derived proteins as the active substance. This new guideline will revise the agency’s 2006 overarching guideline on the non-clinical and clinical issues related to similar biological medicinal products.

FDA to carry out survey into affect of generics shape, colour, size

Home/Guidelines | Posted 28/11/2014

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) wants to understand how patients’ perceptions of medications change when pharmacies switch from brand-name to generic drugs or between the same generics made by different manufacturers and how this affects patient adherence to their medication.

China releases draft biosimilars guidance

Home/Guidelines | Posted 14/11/2014

On 29 October 2014 China’s Center for Drug Evaluation (CDE) published draft guidance for approval of biosimilars.

EMA issues revised version of overarching biosimilars guideline

Home/Guidelines | Posted 07/11/2014

On 29 October 2014, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) published the new version of its overarching biosimilars guideline, which will revise the agency’s 2005 overarching guideline on similar biological medicinal products.

Concerns from EU and US over Colombian biologicals guidelines

Home/Guidelines | Posted 19/09/2014

On 21 January 2013, the Colombian Ministry of Health and Social Protection (Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social de Colombia) released a new draft guideline for biologicals, including 'productos bioterapéuticos similares' (similar biotherapeutic products), in Colombia [1]. Since then, both the European Union (EU) and the US have expressed concerns over the draft guidelines.

Generics group calls for say on ICH standards

Home/Guidelines | Posted 12/09/2014

The generics industry is somewhat annoyed at being excluded from the decision-making process of a global organization, which harmonizes drug quality, safety and efficacy standards.