
Biosimilars approved in Peru

Biosimilars/General | Posted 01/10/2021

In Peru, the regulatory body responsible for approving biological drugs is the General Directorate of Medicines, Supplies and Drugs (DIGEMID) of the Peruvian Ministry of Health (MINSA) which is in charge of leading the National and Decentralised Health System, the policy for the universal health assurance and the policies and intersectoral actions on social determinants [1].

Biosimilars approved in Uruguay

Biosimilars/General | Posted 24/09/2021

In Uruguay, the regulatory body responsible for the approval of biologicals is the Ministry of Public Health of Uruguay (Ministerio de Salud Pública de Uruguay, MSP).

Biosimilars approved in Costa Rica

Biosimilars/General | Posted 03/09/2021

In Costa Rica, the regulatory body responsible for the approval of biologicals is the Ministry of Health.

Interchangeable insulin glargine biosimilar preferred on Express Scripts

Biosimilars/General | Posted 05/11/2021

The interchangeable insulin glargine biosimilar, Semglee, has been listed by Express Scripts, America’s largest pharmacy benefit management organization, as a preferred insulin brand on its National Preferred Formulary (NPF), which includes more than 28 million lives in the US.

Argentinian gastroenterologist groups issued position statement on biosimilars use

Biosimilars/General | Posted 22/10/2021

Experts from the steering committees of the Argentinian Society of Gastroenterology (SAGE), the Argentinian Federation of Gastroenterology (FAGE) and the Argentinian Group of Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis (GADECCU) have issued a joint position regarding the practical conditions for the clinical use of biosimilars indicated for inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs), by discussing the most notable aspects related to the definition of a biosimilar drug, bio-similarity, non-comparable biological drugs or ‘intended copies’, approval requirements, extrapolation of indications, interchangeability, automatic substitution, non-medical switching, nomenclature, clinical standards regarding safety and efficacy, implementation of an efficient and appropriate pharmacovigilance system and the potential economic impact on the healthcare system [1].

Potential biotech collaboration between India and Colombia

Biosimilars/General | Posted 15/10/2021

A letter of intent on cooperation in biotechnology has been signed between India and Colombia, which could include collaborations on vaccines, biosimilars, and medical devices.

China approving more copy biologicals since new guidelines introduced

Biosimilars/General | Posted 08/10/2021

China has approved many more copy biologicals in the last three years. A move which, according to Pharmaceutical Technology, is thought could be due to the introduction of new guidelines for the products.

New Zealand to expand access to rituximab, possibly adalimumab

Biosimilars/General | Posted 01/10/2021

New Zealand’s Pharmaceutical Management Agency, Pharmac, has announced a decision to expand access to rituximab and has launched a proposal to expand access to adalimumab.

Off-patent biologicals/Biomimics approved in Bolivia

Biosimilars/General | Posted 17/09/2021

In Bolivia, the regulatory body for the approval of biologicals is the State Agency for Medicines and Health Technologies AGEMED (Agencia Estatal de Medicamentos y Tecnologías en Salud).

Interactive map for interchangeable biosimilars

Biosimilars/General | Posted 10/09/2021

US-based healthcare services company Cardinal Health has launched an interactive map for interchangeable biosimilars as part of its information for biosimilars.