
Patients’ perceptions of switching to biosimilars

Biosimilars/Research | Posted 05/06/2020

A patient’s characteristics make them more likely to have negative perceptions about switching to biosimilars, according to a study by researchers from New Zealand [1].

Clover starts phase III trial for etanercept copy biological in China

Biosimilars/Research | Posted 27/03/2020

At the end of December 2019, Clover Biopharmaceuticals (Clover), a Chinese company focused on biological therapies, announced the start of a phase III trial of their etanercept copy biological (SCB-808), a proposed copy biological to originator biological Enbrel (etanercept).

Positive phase I results for Qilu’s bevacizumab copy biological

Biosimilars/Research | Posted 20/03/2020

Positive results were reported from a phase I trial of a bevacizumab copy biological, QL1101, which the authors say is ‘the first study to compare the pharmacokinetics of QL1101, a proposed bevacizumab [copy biological], with Avastin’ [1].

Positive results for Bio-Thera’s bevacizumab copy biological

Biosimilars/Research | Posted 28/02/2020

China-based Bio-Thera Pharmaceuticals (Bio-Thera) announced positive results from a phase III trial of its bevacizumab copy biological.

How to make biological drugs more affordable

Biosimilars/Research | Posted 08/05/2020

Biological drugs remain unaffordable for many in the US due to strategies used by pharmaceutical companies and negative messaging about biosimilars, explains a recent commentary by Dr Joel Lexchin, School of Health Policy and Management at York University, Canada [1].

Use of anti-TNF biosimilars in the US

Biosimilars/Research | Posted 03/04/2020

Uptake of biosimilars in the US is slow to say the least. In fact, biosimilars currently make up only 2.3% of the US biologicals marketplace [1]. Researchers from the US therefore investigated whether anti-tumour necrosis factor (anti-TNF) biosimilars are realizing their promise to increase competition and improve accessibility in the US [2].

Relative bioavailability of FKB327 when administered using different methods

Biosimilars/Research | Posted 14/02/2020

FKB327 is a biosimilar of Humira (adalimumab), a recombinant, human immunoglobulin G1 monoclonal antibody specific for human tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α). The European Medicines Agency approved FKB327, as Hulio, in 2018 [1].

Biosimilars in the age of patient-centricity

Biosimilars/Research | Posted 06/03/2020

In 2020, nearly all pharmaceutical companies claim to be ‘patient-centric’. In fact, some companies have even initiated processes of designing new treatments ‘around the patient’ and convened ‘Patient Advisory Boards’ to ensure patients provide their input into clinical trial design. In addition, though to a lesser extent, some have also developed educational programmes to ensure clinicians and patients truly understand the use and function of biosimilars. Regulators have also participated in the effort to ensure that patients consent to be prescribed biosimilar treatments and are well informed of their relative risks and benefits. President of the French Association of Pharmaceutical Medicine, Dr Francois-Xavier Frapaise, discusses how these latest ‘patient-centric’ efforts affect patients [1].

Is switching to biosimilar infliximab safe?

Biosimilars/Research | Posted 14/06/2019

Building on a number of studies on biosimilar infliximab for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), a recent review shows switching to CT-P13 is safe, but more evidence is needed on switching back to originator and switching between biosimilars [1].

First subjects dosed in Australian phase I study of denosumab biosimilar

Biosimilars/Research | Posted 12/06/2020

Taiwan-based JHL Biotech announced on 18 May 2020 that the first group of subjects has been randomized and dosed in the week of 11 May 2020 in the company’s Australian phase I clinical trial of its candidate denosumab biosimilar (JHL1266) in healthy subjects.